Japan - Day 1

Today, Monday, Oct 3, was spent mostly getting acclimated to the time zone differences and getting things in order for the stay. The house where my cousin and her husband live. I also had a small tour of the town area , but not enough to really get a sense of what is where, and the directions (compass) just yet, although when the sun pokes up from the clouds it’s pretty easy to tell which way is which.
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Japan - Day 0

On the first day of my month-long trip to Japan, I went to bed about 11:00PM Friday, Sept 30th, and woke up at 2:00AM on Saturday, Oct 1st being unable to get much sleep due to excitement and stress of making sure I hadn’t forgotten or missed anything. Clearly the start of a very long day. I flew out from Spokane, WA at 6:00AM and landed in Portland, OR approximately 1 hour later.
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